Car Paint Colors - Trends, Tips and Myths

In the evolving world of car features, people look forward to the latest designs, electronic gadgets and fuel-saving systems. But, car colors change just as dramatically with time. Car manufacturers are constantly working to come up with unique paint colors, usually three years ahead of time. These colorful variations are backed by research, science and artistic influence.
Learn more about what goes into creating new car paint colors and which colors are most popular.
Car color trends
Auto industry experts have established an overall trend in car colors: Consumers tend to buy cars in muted, conservative colors like black, white and silver during economically tough times. This may be because neutral- car colors are perceived as easier to re-sell, plus they convey a more somber, frugal attitude. When economic times are better, you're likely to see more vibrant hues including yellows, oranges and bright reds.
According to the annual DuPont Global Automotive Color Popularity Report, silver is the most popular car color in the world, and has been for many years. Drilling down into specific regions, white takes the top spot in North America while black dominates in Europe. However, DuPont has noticed a recent North American trend: only 17.8% of cars were white in 2009 (compared to 31% in 2003). Meanwhile, black has been steadily gaining in popularity during this time.

Auto Industry

Try to keep updated with the latest news and happenings in the world of auto industry. You can always depend on internet to access other auto business owners, managers, to know their insight, and to see where they stand in the current market. Knowledge of these factors will improve your business at managerial level. You can get trend watch reports and latest news articles from all over the world. It would be an egregious mistake if you are not taking the advantage of networking tool, the internet. Better option is to join in social networking sites, join community forums, email newsletter lists to stay tuned with what is going in the auto industry world.
Try to stand out from the crowd and get a life online as most as possible by attending teleconferences, meetings and other seminars. Just because it is on the other side of the world or other part from where you live doesn't mean that you can't attend or benefit from it. Internet has become the main medium clearing up all geographical limitations enabling you to participate in any part of the world's meetings.

Trends in the Pre-Owned Automobile

The automotive industry was hardest hit by the economic recession and the pre-owned automobile segment has been no exception. Lower sales in 2009, due to the recession and the bankruptcies of GM and Chrysler affected all the players in the automobile industry. Considerable adjustments to new car production levels plainly reduced inventory levels and consumers feeling the pinch were hesitant to purchase cars. As we move forward and begin to see signs of improvement in terms of the economy certain trends in the pre-owned automobile industry can provide insights into future activity.
One trend that is evident is shifting consumer attitudes in response to rising gas prices. According to a recent study, more than 50 per cent of car shoppers are more likely to consider a more fuel-efficient car than the one they currently own as a result of rising fuel prices. Gas prices have been creeping up for several months as a consequence of the economic recovery, which has created more demand.